Stay Sixteen at your Sixties!!!

Heroes and hero worship reminds us of the faces of celebrities who live on big screens!

Look around us to discover the real heroes of life, the kernel and epicenter of the house from which everything flows out and to which everything returns. Our parents!!!

 The tedium of a long journey is felt once the vehicle comes to a halt. They have waded through a mechanically inclined professional life of compromise, sacrifice and selflessness to nurture their family. Running round the clock oblivious to striking from twelve to twelve and back has come to a solemn stillness expectedly unexpected. Now that the hitherto unheard ticking of the Big Ben is found often harmonious with the heartbeat indicates that it is time to be at ease on the 'easy chair'.

"I can't rest, until I rest in peace", Gabrial Garcia Marquez asserts. Though the lively customarily followed life shall not be the same after retirement, novelty shall be assured, a new beginning. 

This is when you notice that your spouse has lost hair or the black faded to grey, untimely eating and sleeping have added to your body weight, children are grown up enough to forget and less consider their 'heroes and heroines' as they are in turn playing their parents' role now and life has taken away a lot from them too!!! It's the time when one looks the way back the trodden path.

Heard melodies are sweet, those unheard are sweeter. Haven't we felt that sometimes journeys restart from the midway. Buckle up your shoes and roll up your sleeves for a journey anew!!!

Quite often, we live either in the past or in the future. Do you notice chilled air inhaled and the warmth of the air touching the walls of nostrils while exhaled? Have you ever wondered how relentlessly the body organs work for you? Listless are such unnoticed stuffs! Mostly one lives not in the present.

Remain not baby-sitters to grand children neither be watch guards to the massive mansions built investing your good fortune nor worry about your progeny nurtured so far and put nose into their life. But relive with laughter and positive thoughts. Book tickets and fly literally to the unseen lands and enjoy the bliss before bidding adieu to this magnificent world. Life is too short to waste!!!


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